Feeding Management of a Commercial Herd

A good feeding strategy is the key for profitable dairying as feed costs alone over 60 percent of the total cost of milk production. High yielding cows need to be fed a complete balanced ration to get the most profitable level of milk production. However the milk production of the individual cows is limited by heredity. Differences in milk among cows of same breed are 25 percent due to heredity and 75 percent due to environment.

Feeding has the most critical influence on the milk production of a cow. Optimum feeding and care allows the cow to produce closer to her potential ability. Feeding programme should be designed keeping in view the availability of feed ingredients for different categories of dairy animal such as growing,  pregnant, lactating or maintain and should also take into account the availability and quality of fodder preferably  under the supervision of  qualified fodder agronomist and animal  nutritionist.