Mainly there are two systems of housing for cattle
The loose housing system however, may not be wholly suitable for all agro-climatic zones in India. The climate of India varies from region to region. Housing of the cattle is therefore to be planned and designed as per the agro-climatic conditions prevailing in a particular area. There are some lacunae in the loose housing system for replication under different agro ecological regions which can be modified to suit requirement for different regions of the country.
The design of typical loose housing structure for the adult animals would be similar to general loose housing system except additional provision of covered resting area in one side of the paddock which will provide sufficient dry area for the animals during rainfall and provide protection against strong wind. The floor of the resting area should be slightly elevated from open paddock and one side should be closed with brick wall which will work as wind break.
The suitable design of loose housing structure for hot dry area could consider covered resting area in the middle of the open paddock with thick tree shade. This would provide indirect shaded area for animals during hot sunny day which saves the animals from direct solar radiation. All the sides of the resting area should be left open to facilitate free air passage.
In temperate area, partially loose housing along with the closed conventional system of housing is desirable. In this system due attention is given to protect animal from heavy snow fall, rain and strong wind. Tail to tail system of conventional barn, completely roofed and enclosed with side wall is suggested with adequate provision of tying, feeding, watering and milking inside of the barn. Open paddock area with continuous manger in one side along with covered standing space is provided attached to the barn for housing during warm/comfortable weather. In addition, the following important aspects also need adequate attention while deciding about the housing structure for dairy animals.